Grouo Exhibition 10 März - 19 April 2023Ronewa Art Projects presents a duo exhibition featuring Burkinabe artist Hyacinthe Ouattara and Belgian artist Marinda Vandenheede, opening March 10th, 2023. Ronewa Art Projects is contemporary art gallery located at Potsdamer Str. 91 in Berlin, Germany, showcasing international emerging artists from Europe, Africa, Asia, and America.Weiterlesen -
Marinda Vandenheede - Oxygen
1 Juni - 1 Juli 2022Ronewa Art projects presents the online viewing room exhibition 'Oxygen' by Marinda Vandenheede. For her Oxygen series, Vandenheede repurposes cardboard punched card patterns used in industrial loom weaving. Ronewa Art Projects is contemporary art gallery located at Potsdamer Str. 91 in Berlin, Germany, showcasing international emerging artists from Europe, Africa, Asia, and America.Weiterlesen -
Marinda Vandenheede - Re:Generations
3 März - 5 April 2021Ronewa Art projects presents the online viewing room exhibition 'Re:Generations' by Belgian artist Marinda Vandenheede. Ronewa Art Projects is contemporary art gallery located at Potsdamer Str. 91 in Berlin, Germany, showcasing international emerging artists from Europe, Africa, Asia, and America.Weiterlesen