At the heart of Brauen's practice is a study about materials and surfaces reacting with different interventions. "When I use a new material, it's always an experiment. I start with bending and folding the new material and observing its characteristics. In the end, my intention is to keep the interventions to a minimum." From this experimentation, Brauen finds the fine balance between intentional actions and spontaneous outcomes.
Brauen lives in Zurich, Switzerland, and has exhibited internationally, including solo shows in Zurich, Berlin, Munich, and Bangkok. His works are held in public collections in Switzerland, including Canton of Zurich, Canton of Berne, Wettingen Art Collection, and private collections worldwide.
Swiss artist, Rosina Kuhn was struck by the weight and tonality of Tashi Brauen's colors, as she viewed his artworks at the "Cover the Blank Spots" exhibition. Her observations highlight the unique and powerful way Brauen employs color in his paintings.
— Each of these colors has its own weight.Suddenly I no longer perceived the colors, but the weights!Then the weights became tones!So beautiful! — Quote: Rosina Kuhn— Jede dieser Farben hat ihr eigenes Gewicht.Plötzlich nahm ich nicht mehr die Farben, sondern die Gewichte wahr!Dann wurden die Gewichte Töne!So schön! — Zitat: Rosina Kuhn -
Untitled (Fields) Works